Facilities in Christ Institute of Management
Facilities in Christ Institute Of Management
a) Computer Labs
Computer Lab specializes in digitization of high volume of raw data for
comprehensive e-governance projects, Data capturing and transmitting, need
based solution, technology integration etc.
All computer labs offer 2-sided black and white laser printing. Student
accounts are automatically enabled to print, and charges are processed via
their student portal.
b) Library
State-of-the-art infrastructure amidst greenery is the hallmark of the Christ Institute of
Management, Delhi NCR, with wide varieties of trees and plants and a serene
environment. The institution has resource-rich library, a Seamless internet
connected campus with audiovisual-enabled classrooms, and sports arena add to
the ambiance of this institution of higher learning.
Library is the soul of any institution. It is a center of acquiring,
processing, preserving and disseminating information to the user community with
the motto of empowering knowledge, Christ institute of management library has
well trained staff and an automated library system to enrich the user community
with a wide range of academic resources such as books, periodicals, online
periodicals, databases, back volumes, CDs/DVDs, project reports, audio / video
cassettes, and question bank.
Main Collection:
The Christ Institute of Management Libraries holds over 3000 volumes. In
addition the Libraries provide access to hundreds of journals for both on and
off-campus users.
Library is open 12 hours a day
Code of Conduct:
- ID card is a must for all library transactions. ID cards are nontransferable.
- Users are requested to maintain silence in the library.
- The library reading area should be used only for reference and consultation of resource materials.
- Use of mobile phone is prohibited
Online Databases:
The library has a subscription to 14 online databases through direct
subscription and through the UGC INFLIBNET consortium. All databases are IP
based and can be accessed in the campus only.
c) Communication Lab
The objective of the language laboratory is to develop and refine the
language skills of our students. It has its own software packages for training
the students. The teacher in charge is available during college hours for
student consultation and to conduct ongoing courses.
Communication labs offer the
- Text, images, audio and video can easily be integrated; teachers can alter materials to fit their requirements
- Learners can record their own voice and play back the recordings, interact with each other and the teacher, and store results
- Teachers can intervene and control the learners’ computers via the teacher’s console, track of learners’ work, etc.
- Self-access for independent learning which includes access to resources outside class.
The purpose of a communication lab is to involve students to actively participate
in language learning exercises and get more practice than otherwise possible in
a traditional classroom environment.
Common components in language lab:
- Teacher has a computer with appropriate software for conducting language exercises
- Teacher and students wear headsets that block outside sounds and disturbances
- Students have a media player/recorder for listening to audio and recording speech
- Teacher and student positions are connected via LAN (local area network), in some cases also via separate audio cabling
- A server computer or a separate storage device is often used to store lesson materials in a digital format
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