Professionalism in Management Students

“Professionalism is not a label you give yourself. It's a description you hope others will apply to you” David Maister

Professionalism is an attitude, not a time commitment. When things change inside you, things change around you. Your attitude finally drives your result. The word, Professionalism is much beyond doctors, lawyers and teachers. It’s even meant for sportsmen, tradesmen and even politicians. This is more of an “ethical obligation” to whosoever they offer their service. In nutshell, any profession is required to have a code of ethics, which has to be reflected by today’s student managers.
We Invited – Dr Swarup Sinha, Principal, ITC Hospitality Management to talk on the need of professionalism for Management students, wherein he emphasized that the actual essence of professionalism is to have technical and ethical standards, and exhibit a courteous, conscientious and businesslike behavior at the workplace. Employees in supervisory, managerial positions are expected to lead by example and help create an organizational culture that respects people and nurtures creativity, initiative, innovation and enhance performance. Professionalism is a long-ingrained approach to work and work-related situations. It takes conscious effort and consistency to become a thorough professional.

Our students were also made aware about the professional sense of dressing, attitude, adhering to management principles, staying composed and calm by better controlling their emotions. And the un-forgetful “walk the talk” which emphasize that if your actions don't align with you words, you'll quickly lose credibility.

This was really a meaningful session conducted by the office of Career Guidance and Placements at Christ Institute of Management on 06 May2016.


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