Lest We Forget

“thousands died, for freedom of billions” The Jallianwala Bagh is a historic garden and is a “memorial of national importance” in Amritsar, Punjab. On April 13, 1919 General Dyer commanded his soldiers to open fire at a peaceful gathering of almost 15,000 people which killed and injured more than 1500 people. This incident turned the once green and flowering Bagh to a place where thousands of innocents were mercilessly butchered. On 30 th January 2020, the students of School of Law at Christ (Deemed to be University) in collaboration with the Department of Languages, paid a heartfelt tribute to who all those were martyred at hands of the colonial rule on the 100 th Anniversary of the Jallianwala Bagh Tragedy. The students enacted the events from the day of the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre which, needless to say, gave all of us goosebumps and left us feeling emotionally numb. The students’ performance was raw and brutally true to its core. The...