Industry Visits: Carrier Media Pvt Ltd

An industrial visit to Carrier Media Pvt Ltd was organized on December 20, 2018 for the batch of 2018-20. Carrier after its joint venture with Midea expanded its product range to include products like refrigerators, washing machine, water purifier and such other products for which India is a potential goldmine. Mr. Ajay Chopra, the production head gave a brief audio video presentation on the company. The students also witnessed the entire production process at the main plant. The visit gave the students insight into the production of indoor as well as outdoor unit of split and window A/Cs, its testing and packaging. In addition to seeing the efficiency of the assembly line, the latest technological interventions and the teamwork displayed by the employees provided additional learning avenues for the students. The visit concluded with an interactive session with the employees of Carrier Midea. Report By : Tanushree