Realize the Importance of becoming a Management Student
Christ Institute of Management,
Delhi, NCR, Ghaziabad, established under Christ University Trust, Bangalore
promotes holistic education to the students and spreads the message of
excellence, service, association and ethics to the nation and abroad. Our
institute is currently running Two Year Full-Time Post graduate Diploma in
Management approved by All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE), New
Delhi facilitating the youth to understand the importance and level of
involvement we all do have about business in our day to day life and more
specifically in our professional lives. Scientists, engineers, even artists,
will inevitably have to understand at least the basics of business, and
probably a lot more. Today’s management gurus, the people who are forecasting
the way we will do business at the beginning of the 21st century, are saying
that the companies of the future will consist of groups of specialists who work
together on a specific project and then disband. For the next project the
composition of the group will almost certainly be different. One of the
consequences of this is that many more people will be what we call today
‘independent’, and will have to understand more about the opportunities and
constraints of business. In other words, the combination of specialist
qualification and business knowledge will become vital. But it is not just
‘knowledge’ of business. Before embarking on a business education we need to
ask ourselves a basic question, ‘what should a business education can give me?’
Most subjects that one studies are composed of theory and practice.
‘What will a business education give
Management education offers all
necessary tools to equip one with the necessary techniques of successfully
handling various business and management related issues. Basic tools which will
enable us to make contributions to global economy.
Besides providing the basic
management capabilities it also provides:-
- The ability to use the contingency approach to solving business problems.
- Combining the best parts of several solutions into a unique and better solution.
- Having a global perspective
- Working with and learning from others

Education in management has two
- Firstly, to increase the understanding of the factors which influence the conduct of organizations and;
- Secondly, to provide students with the tools and techniques which they may use to influence organizational life.
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