CIM hosted its 1st Alumni Meet. Rev Fr. Dr. Mathew Chandrakunnel Prof. of Philosophy of Science from Christ (Deemed to be University), Bangalore was the Chief Guest and Dr. Ashok Singh, former Professor at CIM was the special invited guest on this day. Th e Alumn i o f PGD M Batc h 2014-16 , 2015-17 , 2016-1 8 wer e invite d t o th e meet . Th e even t bega n b y invokin g upo n god ’ s blessing s b y lighting the flame of faith followed by welcome speech of Rev. Fr. Sunny Joseph and extended welcome by Director Prof. (Dr.) Saju K James. The Alumni's of each batches shared their memories and experiences. Some of them became emotional while sharing the memories and they also gave success mantra to current batch students. The event proceeded towards dance & singing performances by our students and our Alumni's respectively which then was followed by a brief talk on CSA activities done by CIM.The mement...